Since 2022, A Little Bit Goes a Long Way has provided assistance to Shepherd’s Hand, an orphanage in Kampala, Uganda. We currently provide Shepherd’s Hand with monetary assistance, used to purchase food and pay housing rental expenses.  Through funding received by donors and the power of the hand of God, we are developing plans towards securing improved housing for the children of the orphanage and staff in order to ensure that the children are in a safe, stable, and nurturing environment that is conducive to learning while growing into successful young adults.

Our LifeCycle Program is a unique plan specific to the needs of each community we serve. The purpose of the program is to develop partnerships and strategies that allow each community we serve to increase in self-sufficiency, eventually leading to sustainable living.

Through extensive communication with Shepherd's Hand, we have determined their most pressing needs to be the securing of consistent food and housing. Their LifeCycle Program would entail: (1) the purchase of land; (2) building a home for the orphans on the newly purchased land; (3) cultivating the newly purchased land for farming; (4) and providing continuing education to the orphanage on the cultivation and farming of the land.

In July 2023, we successfully flew to Kampala, Uganda and completed our Needs Analysis, a data collection tool, which allowed us to accurately identify the deficiencies and problems within the orphanage. The Needs Analysis provided us with the information needed to take the necessary steps to achieve the goals of our LifeCycle Program.

Our Needs Analysis tool allowed us to document the living conditions of the children residing at the orphanage. Through the use of video, video blogging, photos, and journaling we were able to capture the information needed to make decisions leading to the sustainability of the orphanage; allowing the children to live a self-sufficient lifestyle.
